Apps IMG_2213

Published on January 21st, 2016 | by Ryan Estes


James Santilli

Founded in 2014, is a startup based out of Denver, Colorado (and proud of it) that connects its users with entertainment, movies and local events. Everyday people rely on to find out what’s happening and decide what to do; from movies, concerts and sports to family fun and nightlife. With millions of local events to choose from, provides region by region the most comprehensive selection of local entertainment content and serves its users across multiple platforms including web applications, mobile applications and email.

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About the Author

I am a reader of bedtime stories, Brazilian jiu jitsu player, sportsman, volunteer, and friend. Hosting the Denver Business Podcast has revealed that I'm not alone in the pursuit of profit and purpose. Current obsessions include nootropics, fingerstyle blues, and simulation hypothesis. I book speaking engagements on occasion, but I prefer listening engagements. If you are interested in being featured as a guest on our show please email l i v e @ d e n v e r b u s i n e s s p o d c a s t . c o m

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